Equity, Diversity and
Inclusion in the
Cultural Sector:

The Role of Cultural Organizations
Virtual Conference
June 15 · 16, 2022
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Wednesday, June 15, 2022 · Theme 1

Cultural Sector Perspectives on the Role of Organizations in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Presentation)

Julie Bérubé, associate professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). Jacques-Bernard Gauthier, professor UQO and Vivek Venkatesh, Full Professor Concordia University

From 12h:30pm to 12h:50pm (EDT)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ


Presentation material

According to Florida (2014), the creative and cultural industries should not be affected by equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues, as the competitive advantage of individuals lies in their talent and creativity and is not dependent on, for example, ethnicity, gender or social class. However, the results of scientific research point rather towards systemic discrimination within these industries, exacerbated by the policies put in place to promote them. Current research shows discrimination based on gender and ethnicity, but also on physical ability, age and location. Eikhof (2017) proposes a theoretical framework in which she studies, on the one hand, individuals working within the creative and cultural industries and the decisions they make, and on the other, the decision-makers and the context in which they make decisions related to EDI. The role of cultural organizations is not considered within Eikhof’s (2017) framework, however Acosta (2016) notes their importance in shaping policies specific to cultural industries. The objective of Bérubé, Gauthier, and Venkatesh’s research is therefore to identify the role of cultural organizations with respect to EDI issues within the cultural industries. We collected data through 65 semi-structured interviews with artists and cultural organization workers in Gatineau-Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. The results of this research raise questions about granting programs, education, and the ways in which cultural organizations address EDI issues. This research provides a better understanding of the role of cultural organizations with respect to EDI issues and identifies the perspective of artists and cultural workers.


Julie Bérubé (Elle/she/her)

Julie Bérubé is an associate professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). She holds a master’s degree in project management from UQO and a PhD in administration, specializing in management from HEC Montréal. Her research interests focus on cultural industries where she studies issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion, identity tensions, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and innovations. She adopts a critical research posture and is particularly interested in French critical pragmatism. Her teaching focuses on management and entrepreneurship.

Jacques-Bernard Gauthier (Il/he/him)

Jacques-Bernard Gauthier is a professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO).  He collaborates with several research teams to propose new ways of approaching research methodologies in order to take a different empirical look at contemporary social issues, including EDI. Jacques-Bernard Gauthier holds a PhD from Laval University in research methodology. He has developed the research curriculum of master and doctoral programs, and teaches quantitative and qualitative methodology courses at both graduate and post-graduate levels.  He is the recipient of the UQO Excellence in Teaching Award.

Vivek Venkatesh (Il/he/him)

Vivek Venkatesh is an internationally renowned researcher who focuses on building community resilience and tolerance to hate through a decidedly public educational approach. He is the co-chair of UNESCO’s Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism (UNESCO-PREV), the Chair of the UNESCO Chairs Network in Canada, and the Director of the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) at Concordia University, where he is a Full Professor of Inclusive Visual Arts Practices in the Department of Art Education.