Equity, Diversity and
Inclusion in the
Cultural Sector:

The Role of Cultural Organizations
Virtual Conference
June 15 · 16, 2022


Organizations: Initiatives and case studies that explore Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Communities: Understanding community context to strengthen the sector

Governance: Strategies for rethinking equitable and impactful policies and practices

Theme 1

Opening ceremony

De 12h:00am à 12h:30am (HAE)

In French and English | with simultaneous interpretation in both languages and LSQ (FR)

Theme 1

Cultural Sector Perspectives on the Role of Organizations in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Presentation)

Julie Bérubé, associate professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). Jacques-Bernard Gauthier, professor UQO and Vivek Venkatesh, Full Professor Concordia University
De 12h:30am à 12h:50am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 1

The inclusion of people with disabilities in the performing arts sector (Presentation)

Les Muses: Centre des arts de la scène
De 12h:50am à 13h:10am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 1

Social Innovation and EDI: The transformation of the Diefenbaker Canada Centre (Presentation)

Dr. Christopher Gunter, assistant professor at Saint-Paul University
De 13h:10am à 13h:30am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French

Theme 1

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Canada’s National Ballet School: Learnings and Experiences to Date (Presentation)

Canada's National Ballet School
De 13h:30am à 13h:50am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French

Theme 1

The Role of Post-Secondary Institutions in Addressing EDI in the Arts (Panel)

Simon Fraser University - School for the Contemporary Arts
De 12h:50am à 13h:50am (HAE)

In English| Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 1

The Power of Community-Initiated Research (Panel)

Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance
De 14h:00am à 15h:00am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 1

Challenges and solutions to equity, diversity and inclusion issues facing cultural organizations (Panel)

Moderated by Jézabelle Toulouse Davidson
De 15h:00am à 16h:00am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 3

Cultural Rights and Cultural Industries – Obligations and Opportunities (Presentation)

M. Sharon Jeannotte, Affiliated Researcher at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa
De 15h:00am à 15h:20am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 3

Facilitating Critical Social Consciousness, Using Art to Illuminate the Relationships Between Us (Cancelled)

Jessica Bleuer, Concordia University & Theatre of the Oppressed
De 15h:20am à 16h:00am (HAE)

In English| Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 2

Writers Guild of Canada 2021 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report (Presentation)

Jinder Oujla-Chalmers, Writers Guild of Canada
De 16h:05am à 16h:25am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 3

Canada Council for the Arts: Approaches to Equity in Research, Evaluation and Performance Measurement (Presentation)

Daniela Navia, Canada Council for the Arts
De 16h:25am à 16h:55am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 1

Access, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (ADEI) in Cultural Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities (Presentation)

Antonio C. Cuyler (Guest speaker), Florida State University, University of Michigan, Cuyler Consulting
De 12h:10am à 12h:40am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French

Theme 2

Equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives in the administration and editorial policies of Canadian book publishers (Presentation)

Eric Lyall Nelson, Ph. D., part-time professor at the University of Ottawa
De 12h:45am à 13h:05am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 2

Understanding Civic Impact Through the Lens of Indigenous Cultural Knowledge (Presentation)

Sydney Pickering, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Connie Watts, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Nadia Beyzaei, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
De 13h:05am à 13h:45am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French

Theme 2

Closing the Gap in Canada’s Live Music Industry (Panel)

Canadian Live Music Association (CLMA)
De 14h:00am à 15h:00am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 3

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility; Demystifying Organizational Policy Writing (Workshop)

Grégoire Gagnon, Cultural Human Resources Council
De 14h:00am à 15h:00am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 3

Reimagining Funding (Panel)

Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance
De 15h:10am à 16h:10am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 1

Universal accessibility of museums: a balance between aestheticism and human encounter (Presentation)

Aude Porcedda, Professor at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
De 15h:10am à 15h:30am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 1

Broadening collection practices for greater inclusion in art museums (Presentation)

Mélanie Boucher, professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais
De 15h:30am à 15h:50am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 1

EDI as a driver of change: when the municipality makes a difference (Presentation)

Paul-Antoine Martel, City of Val-d'Or
De 15h:50am à 16h:10am (HAE)

In French | Simultaneous interpretation in English and LSQ

Theme 1

What does the future hold for EDI in the cultural sector?

Moderated by Julien Doris
De 16h:15am à 17h:00am (HAE)

In French and English | with simultaneous interpretation in both languages and LSQ

Session prolongée organisée par la GVPTA

Theme 2

Reshaping Theatre Inclusion (Panel)

Extended session hosted by GVPTA
De 17h:15am à 18h:30am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 2

Reflections: Working with Organizations Toward Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access

Extended session hosted by GVPTA
De 18h:45am à 20h:00am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 2

The Road Ahead for the Visual Arts, Heritage, and Cultural Spaces (Panel)

Extended session hosted by GVPTA
De 17h:15am à 18h:30am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Theme 2

The Brilliance and Realities in Rural and Non-Urban Communities (Panel)

Extended session hosted by GVPTA
De 18h:45am à 20h:00am (HAE)

In English | Simultaneous interpretation in French and ASL

Call for Papers and Session Proposals

The call for papers and session proposals invited interested researchers, students, artists, and cultural workers to submit papers and proposals around the conference theme of EDI in the cultural sector: The role of cultural organizations. The call for papers and proposals closed on March 6, 2022.